Seal of Quality
When buying a brand new car, you can be certain of its quality, knowing full well its origins and the fact that all of its parts are 100% genuine and have never been tampered with.
After-Sale Service
When you purchase a brand new car, you can enjoy quality and cost-efficient after-sale service for the entire lifetime of the vehicle.
Dealer's Warranty
When purchasing a brand new vehicle, you benefit from the dealer' warranty which provides coverage against any potential mechanical or electrical malfunctions, helping you avoid the hassle of searching for a good and honest mechanic and the burden of incurring additional costs.
Ease of Financing
With the majority of Lebanese banks offering highly accessible car loans at very low interests rates and long term repayment plans, buying a brand new car is now easier and more convenient than ever.
Customization Options
A main advantage of buying new is the possibility to often choose all the features of the car of your choice and to customize it according to your own needs and preferences.
Reduced Pollution
When buying a brand new car, you are directly contributing to the protection and safeguarding of the environment, especially that new cars use eco-friendly technologies that allow them to reduce gas emissions and to consume less fuel.
Peace of Mind
When buying a brand new car, you are guaranteed peace of mind, knowing that you are dealing with an established and professional institution operating according to internationally set standards and best practices.
Sound Investment
Purchasing a new car can be a good investment, especially when considering the lifespan of a new vehicle and its resale value on the market.
Thrill & Experience of Driving a New Car
The thrill and feeling of driving a new car, with its shinny interior and distinctive scents, is to many an unparalleled experience that makes it all worth it.